20 may 2021

[Review] May the best man win, ZR Ellor

Hoy vengo con una entrada algo diferente, una reseña en inglés que forma parte del tour organizado por Turn the page para presentar el recién publicado libro May the Best Man Win, escrito por Z.R. Ellor. Como se que muchas de las personas que me seguís no os sentís cómodas leyendo en este idioma, en unos días tendréis también la reseña en español. Os adelanto que ha sido una lectura maravillosa y estoy segura de que dará mucho que hablar. Y a partir de aquí empiezo ya con la reseña en inglés.

*And from here I start with the review in English.

Title: May the best man win

Author: ZR Ellor

Published by: Roaring Brook Press

Release date: May 18th, 2021

Genre(s): Young Adult Fiction - Contemporary, Romance


A trans boy enters a throw-down battle for the title of Homecoming King with the boy he dumped last summer in ZR Ellor's contemporary YA debut.
Jeremy Harkiss, cheer captain and student body president, won’t let coming out as a transgender boy ruin his senior year. Instead of bowing to the bigots and outdate school administration, Jeremy decides to make some noise—and how better than by challenging his all-star ex-boyfriend, Lukas for the title of Homecoming King?
Lukas Rivers, football star and head of the Homecoming Committee, is just trying to find order in his life after his older brother’s funeral and the loss long-term girlfriend—who turned out to be a boy. But when Jeremy threatens to break his heart and steal his crown, Lukas kick starts a plot to sabotage Jeremy’s campaign.
When both boys take their rivalry too far, the dance is on the verge of being canceled. To save Homecoming, they’ll have to face the hurt they’re both hiding—and the lingering butterflies they can’t deny.

Content notes for May the Best Man Win: homophobia, transphobia, sexual harassment, bullying, death of a family member.

"'Please, try to look presidential Jeremy.'"

I learned about the existence of this book a couple of months ago, looking for YA romance books on Goodreads, and the story caught my attention as soon as I read the synopsis: a trans boy who fights against his ex to be Homecoming King... You'll not deny that the story looks absolutely great. And I assure you that it does not disappoint!

I briefly introduce you to the wonderful lead characters of the book: Jeremy and Lukas. Lukas and Jeremy. Almost half a life together, popular (I would even say that they the most popular couple in high school), envied and with a promising future ahead of them. But that was before. Before Jeremy had enough and decided to be himself and not some suffocating version of himself: the perfect daughter, girlfriend, cheerleader, friend. Before Jeremy decided that he didn't want to be invisible anymore, that he wanted to be seen, to be him and to be respected and loved. Before he decided to end things with Lukas, without explanation and on the same day as Lukas' brother's funeral. Before.

Now things have changed and Lukas and Jeremy hardly speak to each other. They only have a somewhat cordial relationship, but that also seems to end when the two decide to present themselves for the title of Homecoming King. Both for different but equally valid reasons:

Jeremy likes attention, even more so now that he needs the other students to see him for who he really is: he doesn't want his transition to define him and he wants - needs - to be seen and treated as just another boy. Also, it's his senior year and, therefore, his time to shine. And what better way to finish high school than to be crowned Homecoming King.

For Lukas, on the other hand, being the Homecoming King can make a difference in his future: the difference between going to a prestigious university and becoming the perfect son, or remaining the son who is not good enough for his parents...

So may the best man win!

However, the competition between the two soon turns into rivalry, where friendships break, relationships change, feelings evolve... Will Jeremy and Lukas be able to be friends... or something else again? Or will their relationship end forever? Thus, ZR Ellor  tells us a wonderful story about second chances, friendship, love, trust and the importance of being yourself, of being happy. It will not be an easy road but it will be one that will be worth traveling.

The story is told in two voices, by Jeremy and Lukas, in a narrative that presents us with a countdown to the Homecoming dance and the election of the King. The fact that the chapters are narrated by different characters, on the one hand, makes the reading faster and, on the other, makes us get to know the two main leads much more thoroughly, as well as their pain, their fears, their anger... I think they are two unique characters that complement each other perfectly, in addition to how real they feel: they both make mistakes, they are selfish, they push others away... they also both feel lonely, not loved, not enough... I really liked the evolution that the two have, as well as the relationships that are created between them and the other characters, the community that they create little by little, the strength they have when they join forces...

I do not want to go on much longer in this review: you will have to read the book if you want to know more about the story.

Tell me, have you or do you want to read this book?


Z. R. Ellor (he/him) is the author of MAY THE BEST MAN WIN and the forthcoming adult fantasy SILK FIRE (written as Zabé Ellor.) He holds a BA in English Lit and biology from Cornell University. When not writing, he can be found running, playing video games, and hunting the best brunch deals in Washington D.C.. Find him online at https://zrellorbooks.com/



Up for grabs, we have ONE (1) copy of May the Best Man Win by Z.R. Ellor. This giveaway is open to US residents only and will run from May 16th to May 23rd at 12 AM CST. No giveaway accounts allowed.

If you want to read other opinions about May the best man winhere you can see the tour schedule.

8 comentarios:

  1. ¡Hola! Sin duda es un libro que me animaría a leer. Me gusta que cada vez hay más libro con temáticas LGBTB y se estén abriendo más. Besos ♥

  2. ¡Hoooola!

    Pero que buena pinta :)
    Veo que los personajes son una delicia, están genialmente creados y las dinámicas entre ellos son dignas de ver. Además, me pueden las historias sobre segundas oportunidades, de verdad que son mi puntito débil jaajja

    ¡muchos besos y gracias por la reseña!

  3. ¡Hola!
    Pues no conocía este libro la verdad pero aunque tiene buena pinta no termina de llamarme la atención así que la dejo pasar pero me alegro mucho de que tú lo hayas disfrutado.
    Gracias por la reseña, un besote enorme.

  4. Hola.
    Me alegro de que te haya gustado el libro. Tiene muy buena pinta lo único malo es que esta en ingles y yo no leo en ese idioma (tengo una relación de odios/aun mas odio con el idioma).
    Nos leemos.

  5. ¡Hola!

    No conocía el libro, pero me lo anoto porque me ha llamado mucho la atención.
    Hace tiempo que no leo nada con de temática LGTB, así que puede que me anime con este.

    Nos leemos♥

  6. ¡La pintaza que tiene este libro! *-*
    Si no lo traen en español, sin duda lo leeré en inglés. No he leído nada con personajes trans y la verdad es que es un tema del que me gustaría leer y aprender más, así que esta recomendación me viene genial. Además, la trama... Definitivamente, ¡necesito leerlo! :3
    ¡Nos leemos!

  7. Hola!
    Me llama muchísimo que no sea el conflicto de identidad y que Jeremy quiera demostrar quien es sin filtro. Pero el conflicto principal... se me hace que me voy a enojar con él porque la razón de Lukas se me hace más triste D:
    En fin, creo que paso, pero me alegro tanto leer sobre un libro de personaje trans sin todo el lío emocional, una bocanada de aire fresco al fin.


¡Muchas gracias por comentar!
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